The Choice

“At one time, most of my friends could hear the bell, but as years passed, it fell silent for all of them. Even Sarah found one Christmas that she could no longer hear its sweet sound. Though I’ve grown old, the bell still rings for me, as it does for all who truly believe.”     ~Chris Van Allensburg, The Polar Express

Every day we are faced with a choice- a choice when to wake up, where to go, to be happy or to be sad, a choice to thrive and live or a choice to wither and die. Through all of this internal decision-making there also exists the internal dialogue or stories we tell ourselves about our lives, the people in it, our worth, our fears or perhaps those issues we have not yet made peace with.

Beneath this, there is a silence. In this silence is the choice to believe or not to believe. In this solitude of grace is a love that permeates every fiber of our being and every fiber of everything around us. A simple truth that is not colored with the what-ifs, should or should nots, worries or concerns, but instead offers a choice to be free to love and to be loved. A choice to let go for good of those things that no longer serve us so that we may be the “purpose” we came here to be. It offers a “knowing” that there is something so amazing and powerful around us we’ve only to recognize it for what it is. It is the belief that we are never alone, and that we can “depend on” and “count on” this reality to provide us with everything we need in each moment. It is up to us to sincerely ask for and receive it.

This Christmas, make a choice whether to accept, even in the midst of some personal darkness, that there is a “heaven” that bears witness. In this truth, we can find calming grace and healing such that the “bells” are still heard now and forever in this world and beyond.

Merry Christmas 🙂

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12 Responses to The Choice

  1. I hear the Bell others will too once they trust their inner knowing.
    Loved this post
    Much love to you at Christmas, and Well wishes for 2023 and beyond ✨️💖✨️

  2. Peace and deep solace for your journey…

  3. Merry Christmas, my dear friend! 🎄🙏😘

  4. Thanks for sharing this idea. It is great way to travel. Let’s follow our blogs. Anita

  5. Ginny, I love this post. All the best to you and yours for 2023! Bruce (aka WOTC)

  6. Beautiful post. I have never lost the magic of Christmas. In fact my personal mantra is a quote from Brother Roger of Taize;”if every night could be like Christmas Night, a night illuminated from within”
    The light of the nativity stays with me every day 🕊

  7. Pat Cegan says:

    Wow! Beautiful and profound. I am grateful you visited Source of Inspiration and left breadcrumbs for me to find your wonderful blog. Keep your light bright for the world is slipping into great darkness. You write beautifully and I look forward to reading more of your work. hugs, pat

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